Friday, September 28, 2007


Hello again. Don't ask me how but when someone told us about the Common Grounds Fair in Unity, Maine, I realized I had heard of it long ago. I knew it was a fair with ecology as it's theme, all organic food. Off we went. It seemed we parked miles away from the fairgrounds and there was no shuttle. It was a senior rate of $8 to get in and $5 to park. By the time we got inside it was 1pm and hunger ruled. The food stands were so busy that each had 20 or more people in the line. Stumbulled on one with only 5 or so. Italian sausage sandwiches-all organic it. Cost us $18 for two sandwiches and 1 shared bottle of water. So before we ever saw a thing, we were down $39!

We always head for any ox pulls. Did you know that ox are only bulls? They are trained when very young to pull and as they grow the collars get larger? The ox closest to the driver is called the near ox and the other one is called the off ox. I have heard that when one of a pair dies the other cannot be trained to pull with another animal. In the days of the settlers, that ox became food for the table. Waste not, want not.

Glad we went to see the fair but it is not a fair I would repeat.

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