Sunday, June 24, 2007


While on our Camden trip I took a few photos that I think are interesting. What do you think?

Ever see a street crossing like this?

How about this Great Dane? At this pet store they even had dog coats shaped like lobsters!

Propane tanks are all alike. Or are they?


Yesterday we took off for another day trip with our friends, Pete & Connie. Camden Maine is a small "tourist" town on the coast. Typical small New England town, where it seems you view the big white church steeple before you really see the town itself.

We walked down to the harbor where there were so many yachts, schooners, sloops & other boats. Lots of $ there.
We ate upstairs at a restaurant. Dwayn, Connie & Pete had seafood. I had chicken breast with a raspberry sauce on top. Great food & we were at the windows where we could watch the constantly changing harbor. There is a waterfall right in the middle of town and we also watched it from our table.

The day ended with us just letting the GPS unit find us a different way home. I am discovering that in Maine there are so many of what I call picture puzzle photo ops. You know, you think of what a pretty jigsaw puzzle it would make.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


On the 15th of June we laid Dwayn's Mom to rest in the Washburn Cemetery extension. The services were well attended & well done. Dwayn got to see many of his cousins that he had not seen ,in some cases, 40 years or more. All his immediate family were there and many of their children. While his Mom is gone, the memories will continue on forever. She was a great woman.
The following morning we left Caribou, ME and returned to the Pumpkin Patch RV Resort in Hermon, ME where Pat is working this summer.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Betcha always thought Fort Knox was in Kentucky. It is but yesterday we went to Fort Knox in Maine. It was built during a time of peace during the 1840s so they had English & Irish stonemakers come help build it as there were not many stonecraftsmen left in America at that time. Here is an example of the excellent stone work. Spiral staircase. Each step is a single piece. I found myself thinking of the chambered nautilus seashell as I climbed the stairs.

Friends, Pete & Connie Bradish dropped in for a few days to visit & get caught up on cleaning & stuff. Dwayn & I call them "down days". So the 4 of us decided to do some sightseeing. Prior to the fort, we went to the Penobscot Narrows Bridge. This is a new suspension bridge over the Penobscot (where else) river that opened on May 19th this year. One of the towers has an observation deck and a high speed elevator takes you up 450 feet. The view is spectacular. Following are few few pictures.

Park service
Pete, Connie
Dwayn View of Bridge
Penobscot River 450 ft below.

Postcard picture of a
typical New England
town. Bucksport, ME

Sunday, June 03, 2007


I was off today and the weather was "iffy" but we decided to take a 75 mile ride to the Moosehead Lake area. On the way we saw this covered bridge & decided to go across it. It is called the Low Bridge after one of the early settlers. Built the first time in the late 1700s it has been washed out twice. Last rebuild was in 1990. It is unpainted but pretty and you could hear a pin drop.

Along the trip whenever we saw water it seemed there were flyfishermen hoping for a good day. Maine is very much into outdoor activities. This guy was giving it his best.

Greenville Maine is the lower shore of Moosehead Lake, I don't know its size but it may be or is close to being the largest lake in Maine. We drove for a couple hours and the lake was never far away.

Near Rockland Maine we saw Moose species A, she was alongside the road as we approached though she scurried back into the woods a bit. What a strange animal the moose is. It looks like God took leftover parts from making other animals and created the moose. They like to come out on the highways in the summer to escape the black flies that bite horribly (people too). You really have to watch sides of road when driving as a moose might suddenly bound up a bank & bang! Their legs are real tall so when you hit them, their heads may end up in your lap. Right through the windshield. We have only been here 2 weeks and already there have been 2 moose accidents.

Below are 2 other species of moose I found. By the way, what is the proper term for more than 1 moose. 1 moose-2meece? How about a pair of moose? My preference is, see that moose?-there is another one too. Grinnnnnn.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


When you ask people if they have ever been to Maine they always respond with "Yes, we went to Bar Harbor", like THAT is Maine. Well, we have been to Maine because we finally went to Bar Harbor! It is beautiful though. This is Bar Harbor and the Atlantic. Pretty views, lots of tourists abound. We hope to go back in July or Aug and take a whale watching tour, then we can say we have watched whales from both coasts.

Downtown Bar Harbor is filled with plenty of the usual stuff, tourist shops and motels, hotels & plenty of restaurants. Of course the big thing here is "lobstah". We had lunch in the restaurant by the white van in this pictures. Being a weirdo and not eating fish or shellfish, I had a cup of ginger carrot soup & quiche. Dwayn had Atlantic salmon. Food was really good.

The next stop of the day was Acadia National Park. It is beautiful with the coastal views and greenery. Rockefeller was of great help in funding the carriage road that meand
er throughout the park. No motorized vehicles, but there are tours by horse & carriage or it can be biked or hiked. I think that people who hike get the most out of this park. This is going
under one of the carriage roads.

The ocean views are really pretty and there are pull off places as you travel along but not nearly enough of them. Below is one of the views.

Well, that's it for now. Until next time Ta-Ta!


May Day found us "on the road again". We left our home around 7:30 AM and headed east. We have chosen the shortest distance between AZ and CT. I 40 is the way to go.

After a week on the road we got to Dwayn's cousin's house in CT. We enjoy spending time with them. 3 days later we had a long (1 1/2 hours) drive to Dwayns sister Claris' house. Mother's Day May 13th found us heading north to Maine. We arrived at the Pumpkin Patch campground,where Pat is working for the summer, in the mid-afternoon. We have a very nice site at the top of a row where no one can park on our passenger side, just a vast green grass yard (so what if it is the leech field?).

After a few days work Pat finally got a day off so we could play tourists.


See how quick April flew by, just a few sentences & poof-it's gone! Just a couple more pictures about the house and I can get us through May and into Maine.

This is how the house looked when it was finished. Yep, we know we have to do something about stairs, these are just temporary wood ones. The skirting is on the house now and we passed our final inspection.

This is what is becoming my favorite room The master bedroom. One of the reasons I like it is because there are windows on 2 seperate walls and that can help with a cross breeze. I hope to paint those white walls a dusty shade of the lilac color in the bedspread. We also need some sort of headboard but that too can wait. The shades of lilac & mint green go together so well. I sure would never have thought about that combination myself. I just loved the spread.

So Okay, enought about the house. We only got to spend about 10 nights in it and it was time to head east.